Realistic I can Retire in next 5-10 Years??
What should I consider doing or changes want to retire in next 5-10 years!
Just turned 40 and have accumulated the following:
401k/IRA : $1,176,109 Personal Taxable Brokerages : $285,758 Joint Investments: $229,773 Cash: $48,400 Health Savings : $35,400 Pension at Retirement Age $800ish per month
Combined Current Yearly Income: $275k
This does not include our home 2.75% fixed mortgage (165k left), or my car and wife’s car which are paid off. How realistic is it that we can retire in the next 5-10 years. I have spent the last 20+ years or so busting my ass saving and being very money conscious. None of this money has come from anyone except from my own blood, sweat, and tears!
**Note I am married and my wife has $548,327 between her IRA/401k. Two kids under 10, each has a 529 with roughly $58k, and 26k.