🧴US Nationals Discussion Thread Masterpost 🦅

It’s once again time for the hardest competition to watch of the season with the weirdest schedule, brought to you by lotion, and a supplement that is no longer able to say they help with memory.

US Nationals UTC-6

January 21

Day 1 (Junior Pairs SP, Junior Men’s SP, Junior Rhythm Dance)

January 22

Day 2 (Junior Women’s SP, Junior Men’s FS, Junior Pairs FS, Junior FD)

January 23

Junior Women’s FS: 10:17

Pairs SP: 17:05

Women’s SP: 19:20

January 24

Rhythm Dance: 16:12

Women’s FS: 18:47

January 25

Men’s SP Gr 1&2: 9:58

Free Dance Gr 1&2: 11:50

Men’s SP Gr 3: 13:36

Free Dance Gr 3: 14:38

Pairs FS: 18:35

January 26

Men’s FS: 13:45

Gala: 19:00