Nothing sucks more than a series you were really hyped for ends up being a disappointment
So I'm about a hundred pages through The Black Prism by Brent Weeks and if I'm being completely honest, I'm just not feeling it. Now, I bought all five books last year in paperback because everything I heard about it made me think I was going to love it. I have heard of the rather infamous conclusion to the series and I'm honestly not too bothered by it. I'm a big Journey Before Destination guy. However, what I have read so far just doesn't stick with me. I have had to force myself to read it for the past week and I've only gotten a hundred pages in which is crazy considering the fact I finished The Way Of Kings in a week.
It's the writing style that bothers me the most. It just feels so awkard and clunky. If we take the window comparison with Sanderson's writing style being a clear glass window and with authors with great prose like Rothfuss being a beautiful stained glass window, Weeks' writing style feels more like a warped and murky window. I particularly hate how he uses first person for the characters thoughts (which I wouldn't have hated as much if it was italicised).
Another issue I have is the character interactions feel so forced and awkward. I particularly hated the scene with Gavin and Garadul. The worldbuilding and political side also feels so meh. I liked Kip but that's about it. I know it's unfair for me to judge a book this harshly with how little of it I have read but.I can't help but feel the way I feel.
I have always had an issue with DNF-ing books and I have forced myself to finish series that I didn't enjoy more times than I care to admit. I wanted to ask you guys' opinion on whether or not you think I should push through. My TBR is quite lengthy and I have so much that I want to read.