Anybody else think the Fallout series is a bit lacking in terms of bosses?
As much as I love the series I feel like there is an odd lack of memorable bosses throughout the games. It seems like the boss design peaked in Fallout 2 with Frank Horrigan and it’s been kinda down hill ever since. Don’t get me wrong legate Lanius is badass but he’s not as cool as a fucking super mutant behemoth in power armor. Other than those two and maybe the master there aren’t really a whole lot of noteworthy bosses which is a bit weird because I feel like the series would really lend itself to having really powerful antagonists. If you think about it, all the main characters from each game are canonically ultra badasses that managed to single-handedly turn the tide of whatever conflict they were in. Logically there should be other people in the wasteland that match that level of power but it doesn’t really feel like there are any. It’d also be cool because I feel like there are a lot of cool directions the developers could go down in creating bosses accurate to the setting. Maybe it’s a 10 ft tall cyborg man or like a non feral glowing one who uses their radiation to power a special suit of power armor that shoots gamma rays just something interesting. Im pretty sure fallout 76 has some bosses so hopefully whenever fallout 5 comes out (if ever) they’ll put some in the game but more importantly execute them well