Ronnie being Transphobic

Basically the title. I just wanted to bring up how fucking awful and hateful Ronnie has been over the past few days on both twitter and tiktok towards the trans community as well as making untrue assertions and comments that are just sexist and racist. He comes off as super ignorant and a lot of his arguments are made to “be protecting women” from trans women and trans people and I just think that really sucks. It reminds me of fox news type shit.

I feel music is a scene that’s always been inclusive and welcoming to all kinds of diversity and gender identities and while it doesn’t shock me that Ronnie has these reactions with his track record, it still really stings as a fan of FIR who has a lot of friends in the LGBTQ+ community. Anyway to all members of the LGBTQ community that are also in this subreddit, you are loved and supported.