Average posts in r/FORTnITE, pt 2: Terrible Quality; Terrible People

This is HUMOROUS, as all posts in this series.(I don't actually trade, I like making fun of it) (If you want to reply humorously tYpE LiKe tHiS, also never trade, we all know that)

Does anyone wanna trade I got 130s and 122s plus 144 melees, I want 100 stacks of sun and 144 traps (not all I have more but computer is gonna crash)

This is HUMOROUS, as all posts in this series.(I don't actually trade, I like making fun of it) (If you want to reply humorously tYpE LiKe tHiS, also never trade, we all know that)

Does anyone wanna trade I got 130s and 122s plus 144 melees, I want 100 stacks of sun and 144 traps (not all I have more but computer is gonna crash)