Why are Batman's punches considered worse ("LITERALY FASCISM!1!) than the killings of other heroes?

Batman is, no doubt, one of the least violent superheroes out there. One of the very few nowadays who refuses to kill, the one we see engaging in charity in quite literally every media he is in, all that jazz.

So, it is a little weird that one of the least violent superheroes out there is the poster boy of the fascism of the genre.

Between 2013 (The Dark Knight Rises) and 2021 (The Batman), 25 Marvel moviess were released. Nearly all of them focused on a protagonist who was more than willing to kill his enemies and crack a joke or two while doing the did. Often they were under the orders of some government agency whose powers were never quite clear and were soon revealed to be filled with nazis. And never, not a single time, have any of these characters received the "fascist" label that Batman gets whenever he punches the Penguim.

So what is it that sets Batman apart? What is it that makes Batman's lesser violence so much more damning than the bigger violence of the usual MCU hero? And what could a filmmaker do to make Batman's punches as acceptable to the average hot-taker as the killings of Marvel heroes?