PvE enhancements. [Suggestion]
Me and they boys have been really enjoying PvE since we started playing it few weeks ago. Few suggestions I’ve got:
(1 & 2.) Tone down the scavs OR make suppressors matter besides stat values. - obviously the whole scav horde thing is very prominent right now. I think part of it has to do with scavs wanting to check dead bodies. If there was a way to program it so scavs would only look to loot bodies they have a visible line of sight on rather then them just want into to check everything within lets say a 50m radius. - also having scavs pushing PMC gunfire / go to last know gun fire location.
(3.) Drop in a new wave of pmcs 1/2 through the round to fill out dead pmc’s. - even if it’s only 50% of the missing PMC’s. Sometimes they just die to other pmcs or scavs.
(4.) Higher level pmcs should have better gear / ammo. - Right now there’s no reason to ever run M995 level ammo. Spawn me in a PMC with and Altyn. It seems they do have level 6 armor on occasion.but level 5 should be more consistent on anything 40+.
(5.) Make PMc’s flank / do suppressing fire - would make it feel like your actually playing against people that are on a team.
(6.)Gunsmith 17 muzzle adaptor needs to be added to the traders somewhere. - currently playing without flee on purpose. I’m level 52 I’ve done 20 runs of kiba, idk how many labs runs with weapon testing room. Still missing this one attachment for almost 1 1/2 weeks.
(7.)All quest keys should be on trader. Even if their barter is ridiculous. - house arrest I believe is all my missing from starting lighkeeper.
(8.)add ref to pve - gp coins are not super common and he’d probably be the least used vendor because of that.
(9.)Could buff up the static spawn of keys in their actual spawn location. - Took me a little too long to find West 112 for vitamins. Not talking about jackets / filing cabinets, but in this example the actual bus spawn.
Then the usual bug fixes. Biggest one that’s been bugging me is scavs phasing through doors.
They walk up to an open door. Shut it. And rematerialize on my side looking for a fight.
Thanks for the read. Been enjoying PvE a bunch.