How do you do life without driving?

Hey, so I'm just starting another driving suspension as a result of an EEG I did a week ago and where I live that restriction is 6 months. I live in a suburb without access to great transit, haven't looked into ride share but I'm sure Uber and Lyft are around.

That being said my life for the most part has always revolved around having access to a vehicle and I'm curious especially for those of you who straight up cannot drive at all - what life looks like and how you navigate getting around without a vehicle. What type of work do you do? Did you prioritize living near better transit options?

For context I have a family with three young kids.

my epilepsy has typically been well managed and since diagnosed 15 years ago I've really only gone about 1.5 years without driving. 6 months when diagnosed, 6 months on a medication swap about 5 years in and now this 6 month period.

Most of my jobs have been jobs have not been remote like construction and hospitality. Would love suggestions for jobs that I should look into - i have management experience in both those industries.

thanks !