My dad’s leukemia gave me the wake up call

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always had two recurring problems:

  1. I felt “too old” for certain things.
  2. I thought I was special.

Let me explain.

I felt “too old” for certain things

You’re probably thinking, “What kind of nonsense is this? How can a kid under 10 feel old already?” It’s not nonsense, and it’s not easy to put into words, but I’ll try.

Even back when I was playing soccer in elementary school, I’d look at younger kids and think, “Wow, they’re younger than me but already better at this. They’ll always be better than me in the future too.” It sounds silly, but when you have a dream (at that time, mine was to become a professional soccer player), seeing someone younger than you outperform you in the one thing you thought you were good at makes you feel like crap.

I thought I was special

I always believed I was destined for something great. Whatever my passion of the moment was soccer, computers, books, skateboarding (the list goes on), I’d see myself in the most successful, unique figures in that field and think, “Of course, I’ll be just like them one day. Honestly, I already am, but people just don’t see it yet. One day, something will ‘click,’ and everything will change.”

The root problem

What I’ve come to understand, not too long ago, is that both of these issues come down to one thing: comparison. I’ve spent my whole life comparing myself to others. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a single day off from it. And after years and years of this, it wears you down.

May 2024

I felt like crap. I was behind on my university exams, nobody cared about the projects I was building, my friends were planning vacations while I was broke, my girlfriend had just told me she’d be moving to Spain for at least six months in September, and on top of all that, I constantly felt this overwhelming anxiety seeing others live full, exciting lives while I wasn’t (hello, comparison). I felt awful. And the more I felt that way, the deeper I sank.

I spent my days lying in bed, eating junk, scrolling TikTok for hours, and doing anything but coding or working on my projects.

June 2024

My dad was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. I’ll spare you the details, the tears and the pain, and get straight to the point.

The more days I spent in that damn hospital waiting room, the more my anxieties about my dad’s condition grew. But strangely, the overwhelming sense of comparison and the suffocating angst I’d felt just a month earlier started to fade away. I was dealing with other fears now, but in some strange way, I began to see light at the end of the tunnel.

The months that followed…

My dad’s condition began to improve. It was a rollercoaster of ups and downs, but we were moving forward. And with his progress, I moved forward too.

I was buried in exams, coding, and deadlines, but I felt free for the first time in forever. I’d finally had that “wake up call.”

I stopped saying, “I’m 25, so I’m too old for this or that.”

I stopped saying, “That 20-year-old has already accomplished this, and I’m still here.”

I stopped saying, “Those people went on an epic trip, and I haven’t even left my room in months.”

Enough of that crap.

For the first time, I rationalized everything and thought, “There are people like my dad who would give anything to be 25, healthy, and free to do whatever they want anywhere in the world.”


Today, those realizations aren’t just abstract thoughts; they’re actions I’m taking to the best of my ability.

I’ve taken on responsibilities, and with them, I’ve developed the practicality to handle them. I’m dedicating my time to studying, improving my physical health, and turning my projects into reality (this Saturday, I’m launching my first app postonreddit). I’m spending time with friends, trying to save money for a trip somewhere in the world, and for the first time, I feel alive and at peace.

My goal for 2025 is simple: to become a better version of myself. A version that doesn’t need to compare with others but focuses on self-improvement.

This story as a reminder

This entire story is a reminder for myself. If I ever hit rock bottom again (hopefully never), I’ll know that everything I need is within reach. From there, all I need to do is get up, move forward, and make things happen.