gut centre and the assertive triad?
I honestly don’t really like the Social Styles in Enneagram; I can relate to every social style and that it’s more about behaviors than the deep-withins that’s for Enneagram.
What made me really disliked the Social Styles/Hornevian Triad is what we’re discussing about in this post. I’ve known that the Gut Centre was about feeling your instincts, trusting them, and acting them out so that’s why Gut types don’t really think or feel before doing things and that’s what made them so strong-willed. But when I read about the Assertive Social Style I realized that that may not be a Gut Centre’s thing?
On a website that I read, it said that the Assertive Social Style initiates projects without thinking/feeling them through, and I was just like: that’s the Gut Centre!
I have always thought that my impulsivity to just make my ideas into realities is because of my Gut, but is that really the case? Is it actually because I’m an SO9 so that I can resemble the assertive 3?
So my question is if making ideas/emotions into realities without really thinking them through a Gut Centre’s thing or an Assertive Social Style’s thing? 🤔
Just I feel that some triads theories are loweky redundant, and I want to get rid of them. ☹️
Gut Centre:
Our instincts involve our sense of vitality and assertion. Instinct involves our inner wants and our ability to assert them in a way that is consistent and harmonious with the world around us.
Assertive Social Style:
These people know what they want and go directly after it. … These people often see opportunities and try to take advantage of them. They are great for initiating projects, but sometimes have a hard time seeing them through.