Spirit ashes against Dragons

Is it just me, or do spirit ash summons really struggle to maintain aggro whilst fighting dragons, and other large mobile enemies with large arenas. not that the summon struggles to keep the enemies attention but rather, struggle to KEEP ITS OWN ATTENTION on the enemy.

I've got a serious love hate relationship with Engvall the Banished Knight for instance, one minute hes the GOAT saving my ass when im about to die, and then the next hes pacing around not attacking while i get my ass handed to me on the purest gold platter by Malenia. But worse than that is when im fighting a dragon, im doing DLC right now, and the first ghost flame dragon is what im fighting, and ive noticed it again. either i gain distance to avoid fire, and ill see that damn Engvall bozo sprinting over to me rather than fighting the dragon, in this fight hes been so bad at attacking he takes aggro all of 3 times while im left to dodge and play like im fighting alone, and i may as well be. Tiche seemed to be more aggressive thank god, but she gets knocked over more seemingly.

Idk im relatively new still, on my first character, but I've noticed Engvall in particular to have some reliability issues with the larger arenas and bosses, its like he wants to be my butt buddy more than attack the enemy, i couldn't imagine being a pure spell caster and relying on summons, id want to rip my hair out.

Simultaneously the greatest asset, and my greatest liability (mfw Engvall paces infront of me mid Heal spell while the dragon charges up a breath attack hitting us both). And ive only really noticed it with Engvall (potential bias perhaps since I've used him the most overall)