Which Commanders Pair Best With Their Veggies?

Everyone knows the standard advice - every deck needs X draw cards, Y ramp cards and Z interaction (counter, kill, board wipe) and the rest can be fun stuff to help your commander do their thing. Those who do not heed this advice are bound to have their game plans disrupted by the savvy who do. But what about the commanders where draw, interaction, or ramp are their thing? What commanders make the best of their veggies?

My favourite example so far is [[Alela, Cunning Conqueror]] she begs you to run your essentials at instant speed, which in her colours means tons of draw, counter and kill spells. 86% of my nonlands are either instants or flash and the rest can be thanks to [[High Fae Trickster]]. I need to make a conscious effort to not play her too much because of how well she runs on fundamentals.

What’s your example of a commander that turns the essentials into the fun parts of the game?