Do your pods get disappointed for you not casting your Commander?

In the dozen or so times I’ve played over the last year, I’ve noticed 1 or 2 players per game either get disappointed or annoyed that I don’t play my Commander very often or at all. For reference I mostly play with strangers, as I don’t have a consistent group to play with. My personal philosophy is that I either avoid building my deck around my Commander, or if I do play one, it’s between 1-3 CMC and I’ll only play it as essentially the eighth card in my hand. I’ve been burned enough by depending too heavily on my Commander, so now my deck building outright ignores my Commander as the signpost for my deck.

I’ve noticed that this throws people off, as they expect my deck to do a specific thing, like with my Godzilla Dino-Tribal deck. I only have [[Godzilla, King of the Monsters]] as my Commander, because I just like having him as an unconventional Dino leader, rather than for his effect. As such I rarely cast him, and rather use that mana for other things. Some people end up getting frustrated because they play around my commander(s), only for me to outright ignore casting them a lot of the time.

For my other, cheaper CMC commanders, I just play them to fill out early turns if I don’t have anything else to play. This doesn’t bother people as much initially, but they get surprised when I don’t recast them later in a game because I don’t want to pay the tax on it, unless I have nothing better to play on my turn.

I do explain to people that I play my deck, and not specifically my Commander, but it still throws people off. Is this really that big of an issue?