Which of your Decks turned out way better than you expected?

For me, that was [[Pako]] and [[Haldan]]. I love the idea behind the Ikoria 'partners with' and those two really spoke to me with the good boi vibes and all...didn't think they were particularly powerful, given that they basically have a single mechanic printed over two cards for a combined 8 mana prize tag...boy, was I wrong!

The deck I build was pretty much just a best of from the Aesi and Faldorn precons with some of the better 'you may play additional lands'-effects as well as some spell copy stuff. Turns out, playing additional lands every turn when you actually have the ressources to fuel it in the command zone is pretty damn powerful and the deck performed extremely well whilst being far from optimzied...it's also a blast to play compared to the more trigger heavy gameplay of regular landfall and one of those 'steal the opponents stuff' kind of decks that people aren't angry about because...well, he is just that good of a boi! Also, having two commanders allows for some pretty nice cheese with stuff like [[Fury Storm]] and [[Passionate Archaelogist]]!

What are your 'overperformers'?