Took fake ecstasy. Got EXTREMELY sick. Thoughts on what I took?
Bought ecstasy & tried it recently. 30 minutes after taking it, I felt extremely weird. There was no physical or mental sensation of a high, I just felt weird & loopy. I also felt like I was mentally retarded. The entire night I was paranoid I gave myself brain damage. The feeling/vibe of being on this drug was: demented, evil, weird, twisted, disgusting, misery, paranoia, sadness. After 10 minutes of feeling weird & loopy, I felt extremely sick/nauseous, ran to the bathroom & puked. There is no way this drug is something people do, it felt like the dealer was trying to make a drug & was off by several molecules. I also felt the vibe of the drug glitching/malfunctioning inside of me.
I proceeded to puke for a few hours straight. During this I was also having a panic attack that I was posioned. It truly felt like I ingested some type of poison.
My teeth were chattering for hours. I was laying in bed convulsing with my teeth chattering, periodically running to the bathroom to puke.
Also, I have NEVER looked worse. I was so fucking scared. I’m overall a healthy person, take vitamins, & don’t do hard drugs. I was pale as a ghost, my face was sunken in with dark circles. I looked so unhealthy like I had every nutrient sucked out of me. I looked like a homeless crackhead that was tweaking. I also had mannerisms like a crackhead. I was skipping around the room, ransacked my room, threw things everywhere & was doing weird hand movements like tweakers. During all of this, I felt mentally retarded.
We didn’t sleep. The next day I spent the whole day trying to figure out what we could have taken.
I took a drug test from cvs and it showed positive for MDMA, amp, & meth. I took Vyvanse before the “poison” but clearly we ingested meth. MDMA & meth is confusing me, because there was 0 Euphoria. As I’ve said, it just made us feel paranoid, miserable, sad, weird, dumb. I don’t know much about drugs, but I’m assuming it was off by several molecules? I know another possibility is we ingested straight up poison, & that’s scary to me.
I would appreciate any thoughts/insight. Thanks