Can anyone help interpret this dream??
Ok so, most of the time like most dreams my dreams make no sense but this was weirdly coherent, IV never had a dream like it,
So the dream started in the middle of 'God' torturing the devil, the devil was in this cell. It was really brutal physical and mental torture so I'd rather not get into it, (i was also the devil at first but then it became more third person) but whenever 'God' would leave the devil would beg and plead for him to not go, because being alone was worse then being tortured. Anyway so then every so often it flashes back to the devil post fall from heaven just doing devil stuff then flashing back but there were some weird inconsistencies between the devil in the flashbacks and the devil not in the flashbacks, one thing was that while being tortured he would call 'God' Dad and 'God' would get really really angry and intensify what he was doing. At somepoint God tells the devil he can leave and leaves the door to the cell open, but the devil refuses not wanting to leave, so he stays, we follow God out the room and he transforms into the devil, the flashbacks had been leading up to a flashback where the devil was trying to 'kill' parts of himself but accidentally split himself into two, everything he wanted to be, and everything he didn't. And the former had imprisoned the latter and he was torturing himself.
I don't know if this sounds like crazy ramblings as I like just woke up and it still makes sense to me but I thought this was the dramatic plot twist ever. The thing was after this the devil who was God stopped while walking away, he did this weird disturbing shoulder crack thing and turned and looked at me, but I wasn't there before so I just appeared I guess? And he stared at me with this weird amused look and said "really? That's what your going with?" I responded like "what???" He shook his head sort of condescendingly still with a smirk on his face and said "go home" and i woke up.