Biggest Game Requests for 2025

As 2024 closes and we all know devs look at this subreddit 👀 - I’ve been thinking about my biggest wants for this game, quality of life changes.

Let’s start a thread!

Mine are:

1️⃣ Characters with stalls expanding their business to DLC offering DLC fish and supplies.

  • its hard finding the time to grind materials for all three dlcs to be able to decorate and stuff, it’s nice having a little help from Kristoff and Moana (fish and crafting supplies)
  • Mulan selling different teas in each DLC
  • Tiana selling DLC specific dishes

2️⃣Cooking Menu sorting

  • sorting by DLC
  • an order tab so we don’t have to go searching when feeding the restaurants

3️⃣Scrooge purchase sorting

  • would be nice to have a tab for items i’m out of (don’t have any more to place)

4️⃣Crafting menu sorting

  • being able to sort the furniture tab by dlc would be so helpful!

5️⃣ Ability to place purchased house skins more than once

  • some of them i can’t decide where they would look best because they look best in multiple biomes, so it’d be nice to not have to choose

6️⃣ Potions for blue fishing circles

  • instead of regular and “even more” being for both gold circles, have regular be for blue and “even more” be for gold for the same duration

7️⃣ Flower Collecting Improvement / Beast DLC

  • flowers and beast just make sense. he could have a flower stall for the more rare flowers
  • another idea is to make flower gathering a character skill like fishing or mining. we need some kind of improvement to collecting flowers since there are so many crafting items that require them

8️⃣ Cooking - Random Ingredigent default

  • Please change the random ingredient default from alphabetical to whatever we have the most of
  • i used a festive fish in a recipe without realizing because it was the default random item

What else?