Doug has infiltrated every crevice of my mind
So last night I had a dream I was watching a DougDoug stream and it was so vivid I ended up looking it up as soon as I woke up and got disappointed when it didn't exist The stream went as follows:
-Doug proposes an idea to do a sea creature battle tournament to find out who will take up Rosas mantle (like the job tournament idea)
-Midway through preparations Doug announces that the following section is sponsored by Nord VPN blah blah blah blah
-After the sponsored section ends and Doug says "okay the words I say next aren't sponsored "
-Twitch chat asks to put Nord vpn in the tournament
-Doug laughs so hard and approves the idea
-they get to adding the axolotl
-Looking for music for the tournament
-Ends up watching a fish sound effects pack
-Stream devolves into two hours of watching cute axolotl videos
-a random Monterey bay axolotl gets appointed to be Rosas spiritual successor
-Doug gets pressured into buying an axolotl onesie
I can't remember the rest but here you go, a reflection of my gloudas tainted soul