Nation buff ideas

Command post gets 50% hp and spawns unique troops continuously


Chinese: 2 extra citizens, city center spawns 4 chu-ko-nu range 10 (8 once partisans done). Garrisons spawn 5 a wave over 4, spawns 4 soldiers and 1 chu-ko-nu.

Industrial age perk: Farms spawn 2 chu-ko-nu on defense. 2 a wave max 6. Command post determined.

Unique troop: Chu-ko-nu gets 50% more hp, fires twice as fast and shots suppress enemies by 30%


Koreans: city center heals on defense range 10. Temple also heals on defense range 8 and spawns 4 Hwarang on defense per wave. Blessings have 20% more duration and power.

Industrial age perk: Temple shoots at enemies same range as heal radius (tower style determined by lowest tower level), gets 50% more hp per age.

Unique unit: Hwarang get 50% more damage, deals 30% more damage to defenders and heals itself a bit.


British: 20% more loot in attacks and expeditions returns 20% faster, +1 expedition slot and town center gets trade good per day (1 +1 per age).

Industrial age perk: Tower and castle get +1 range

Unique unit: Longbow men get 25% more hp and damage and 1.5 range.


Romans: 20% bigger armies, tactic capacity +1, tactics are 20% stronger and longer. Store another general in city center for both offence and defense.

Industrial age perk: 20% more hp and damage for generals

Unique unit: Legion gets 30% health, 20% damage and deals 2x damage to walls (3x in industrial age)


Germans: rally duration doubled and -5 seconds, under rally troops get 20% damage, Town centre is a second vault and troop spawning buildings spawn 20% faster.

Industrial age perk: troops under rally get 20% attack speed.

Unique unit: Vandal gets 30% damage, 20% health and deal double damage to buildings (3x in industrial)

Japanese: City centre Range 10 attacks enemies both ground and air (tower damage of lowest level tower present with +100 damage). Castle counts as city centre for town centre star. City centre, towers and castle shoot at invisible targets (commando and night watch style), 20% longer peace treaties.

Industrial age perk: city centre, castle and tower suppress targets (50% move speed deduction and attack damage)

Unique unit: Bushi gets 25% more hp and damage, deal 2x damage to enemies (impi like).


French: +1 mercenary camp capacity, 12 more alliance troop capacity, Town centre generates NTG (1+1 per age from medieval age onwards), 20% looted resources refunded. Mercenaries are 20% more hp and damage

Industrial age perk:  Coalitions are 20% more powerful.

Unique troops: Chevalier get 30% more hp, 20% more damage and deal 2x damage to defensive buildings (3x in industrial age)


Greek: refund 20% of resource building cost, wonders are 20% more effective, walls and buildings have 20% more health.

Industrial age perk: buildings connected to roads will have 20% more hp

Unique unit: companion cavalry get 30% more damage, 20% more hp and deal 2x damage to enemies.