Do you visually/audibly react to other players?
So I started a new campaign yesterday- and one thing I realized in the first session is that the other players don't react. I don't know if they don't care or if they just don't know how to express it.. one is newer to more heavy roleplaying and ours is quite rp focused. And the other is new to the game in general.
There are things that happened with my character that got next to no reaction. Is this normal? In my past two most recent tables people would gasp, cheer or react in a way that made it feel fun.
These plays just "oh cool." at best and literally just waited otherwise.
Am I expecting too much? Is this how players normally react? I'm usually the quietest one at the table when it comes to reactions and I'd at least smile or look surprised. They didn't even do that. It just felt like everything fell flat.
I really want her to feel cool, and reactions are kind of what makes that happen. She's important to the campaign so I don't want to swap her out if she doesn't feel as interesting or cool as others.