[OC]Giveaway! 5E Rule-Integrated GM/Player Mat & Themed Dice Collection! [Mod Approved]
Hello again, everyone! We are Harbor Street, a small business from sunny California that focuses on TTRPG gaming accessories and apparel, and we are celebrating our Anniversary by doing another exciting Giveaway! This time, one lucky winner will not only receive our most popular product, the 5E rule-integrated GM/Player Mat, but we are also including our newest product, The RollBook, an immersive experience wrapped in a book box, scented to the theme of the dice collection as well as a curated music playlist to tie it all together. As a bonus, we’re including a pack of Mystery Dice and stickers! See below for rule!
Hello again, everyone! We are Harbor Street, a small business from sunny California that focuses on TTRPG gaming accessories and apparel, and we are celebrating our Anniversary by doing another exciting Giveaway! This time, one lucky winner will not only receive our most popular product, the 5E rule-integrated GM/Player Mat, but we are also including our newest product, The RollBook, an immersive experience wrapped in a book box, scented to the theme of the dice collection as well as a curated music playlist to tie it all together. As a bonus, we’re including a pack of Mystery Dice and stickers! See below for rule!