Hidden Shopping Villages within SE Michigan

I have this vivid memory of going shopping in a small shop area within a residential area within SE Michigan, but I can’t seem to remember where it was at. I’ve had dreams about it as well and I want to make sure I’m not going crazy.

It’s hard to explain, but basically there was a strip of boutiques and small store fronts/restaurants/ coffee shops in a residential area not off a main road. An example would be the three villages on Kercheval in Grosse Pointe or Kercheval in Indian Village. It’s not as built up as like a mexicantown area. It’s not on a main road (one lane going each way, sub 30mph) and it was surrounded by houses/parks.

Are there other spots in SE Michigan like this or am I just remember a dream and pretending it’s real?

TLDR: Are there other spots in SE Michigan that are similar to the villages in Grosse Pointe on Kercheval or the shopping area on Kercheval in Indian Village?

Edit: it wasn’t like a downtown area, and it was more “hidden” in the residential area. If you weren’t actually going to this area you wouldn’t know it existed. Not on any main road/ “main st”. It was only like a block or two. It wasn’t as built up as royal oak or anything like that it was just small boutiques with low foot traffic.