Spreading the Unnatural
Hi all! Some of you may remember my last post where I asked for advice on finding official books to purchase, and I received a lot of helpful responses. Well, I have good news! I was able to order both the Agent's Handbook and the Handler's Guide from two of my local game shops! I am so excited to use them with my players. Due to various circumstances, I had to order each book from a different shop, which was a little inconvenient, but I've decided to see it as an opportunity. A chance to spread the good word about this awesome game.
As far as I can tell, I'm the only one in my entire city who knows about this game. None of the employees at any of the three game shops here had even heard of the system before my orders. I talked two of them into checking out the system more deeply, and I'm hoping that leads them to trying it out. Who knows? Maybe someday there will be Delta Green operations taking place all over my city.