Delta Force Ask Shadow Anything Q&A Summary - Console Version Delayed, Night Mode Coming, Operations Gear Caps, and more!
- Q: When can we play Delta Force on consoles?
- A: The console version was originally planned for release in Q1 2025, but it may need to be postponed. Development is progressing well, but there are key challenges that still need to be addressed:
- Fair and Balanced Aiming: Ensuring all players, regardless of skill level, have a fair and balanced aiming experience is a top priority.
- UI Optimization for Operations Mode: Adapting the UI and overall interactions for Operations Mode is complex and requires additional time to refine.
- The team is committed to delivering a polished console experience and won’t release an unfinished version. A detailed roadmap will be shared soon, providing periodic updates on progress and completed tasks.
- A: The console version was originally planned for release in Q1 2025, but it may need to be postponed. Development is progressing well, but there are key challenges that still need to be addressed:
- Q: Can you provide an update on killcams?
- A: Killcams have been in testing in the Chinese client but aren't quite ready for full release due to inaccuracies. They are planned to be added next season.
- Q: Will there be gear caps for Operations?
- A: Yes, and they will be launching next season.
- Q: Will there be night modes?
- A: Yes, night modes are being worked on and will be added to select maps, along with new gear designed for night operations.
- Q: My game feels laggier lately. What is Team Jade planning to do to address this?
- A: The team is continuously working on performance improvements to address recent performance issues some players have been experiencing.
- Q: Will there be progression wipes for Operations?
- A: No, progression wipes are still not planned. Instead, the team is focusing on adding new experiences that will offer fresh challenges to players.