Where does one base their Self-confidence/worth on if not in their physical appearance?

As the title says on what thing does an individual base his confidence/self worth on ,if their physical appearance is not appealing

There is something I have noticed among almost everyone is that its generally High self esteem individuals who are the most productive whether it's relationships,work, personal life.

I assume Most these individuals (genetically blessed) growing up had positive influence from the people around them as such they end up loving their own appearance (height,face etc), believing in themselves unlike me who has heard many jokes about they way I look.

Am I wrong in thinking once the formative years pass those comments tend to stick around forever chiping away at your confidence/esteem hell to be even become content with your own appearance?

So Growing being complemented/praised/supported from everyone, being treated nicely, is what leads someone to become content in themselves hence easily resulting in High self esteem/worth.

I am looking to change my views on this particular thought.