Soft Reboot / Reset of Campaign

I currently play with friends and family in a game that’s been going since 2017. We haven’t had the consistency in schedule that I would’ve liked so we're a bit far behind levels wise, but we make it work for the most part aside from a recent 10 month break that we're doing to end this Thursday.

When I started to prep for this weeks game after so long off, I found myself being overwhelmed with all my old notes. The biggest mistake I made as a DM in the early days of this campaign was adding too much in and having too many story threads to keep pulling at. My players all had a ton of fun but I had to do a lot of work behind the scenes and I fell into that trap of DM burnout. I added too many “shiny” things in the form of objects, NPCs they'd never really talk to, and story beats that only added to my workload.

Has anyone ever done a soft reboot or a reset for their campaign and had any success? One thing that seemed to be an attractive solution was to have a “reset” where they keep their characters and their levels and the BBEG is the same, but eliminate some of the other extraneous things that are weighing me down and potentially causing burnout. Something that would make sense story wise so I can start over a bit more easily.

I know the ultimate and first step is to communicate with my team, but I'm just hoping to get some feedback about successes or failures with a strategy like this so when I bring it up to the group and talk through it, I have some confidence in my thoughts.
