Update from previous post: 4lbs guys!!!
Update from this post : https://www.reddit.com/r/CysticFibrosis/comments/c8q3yw/my_weight_has_dropped_drastically_and_i_have/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
So clinic that day was pretty sucky. Details aren't relevant but they put me with a therapist who I was lucky enough to see the very following Monday! We went over a lot and plan on seeing eachother once a week for the next bit. Ive had mixed feelings about the entire ordeal but every one tells me they're happy I'm doing the right thing so I feel good about it overall. I worked with a dietician to get me on a schedule with meal shakes on top of my three meals a day. I've been treating myself to a lot of milkshakes and ice cream as well because of the heat. I'm feeling better a bit already, I think just talking to my team and having them let me know we will get things back on track really took a lot of the weight off. I weighed myself this morning and since my appointment I've gained 4lbs!! It's probably water weight, but whatever It's something. Thank you guys for the support on my last post, I was pretty worried but it's not as big of a deal as I figured it'd be. I hope you're all well and enjoying your summer!!!!