Trumps Right Hand (TRHD) crypto! Low market cap

Trumps Right Hand (TRHD) token just launched! $30k market CAP!

Folks, our Trumps Right Hand $TRHD Discord is TREMENDOUS! Believe me, nobody does crypto better. Join now & we'll Make Crypto Great Again! So much winning!

This crypto is less than 24hrs d and just keeps going up 💵

Get it before Inauguration Day! It’s quickly approaching so better be safe then sorry

Dev owns 1% and nice active community on discord. Marketing wallet soon to be implemented 🎉

Lots and lots of buys, low sells

Real talk, the community is small but naturally growing. The dev is on discord 24/7 incase you have any questions. It’s a pretty neat community. It has potential to be a real moonshot with the name and how people are actually holding this one. It’s close to being on radium so that’s a plus

Feel free to stop by the discord page and ask any questions you have.

Perfect time to buy is right now!!

CA: 6Mpv2F23d2aSBzWPiVzAAJMBjSBDFPLRyx7kAG4amoon