Former Host of CryptoBasic Podcast here - I'm out.

This was kinda the final straw for me. (In the following post "the community" refers to crypto at large, not r/cryptocurrency you guys are actually relatively sane).

I already stopped producing crypto content years ago because the only way for us to make any money was to take money from scams, whether it be coins or hardware that couldn't possibly work. Over the years that my cohosts and I made nearly 300 hours of podcast content the one constant was that I kept turning down offers to shill stupid shit.

I believed in the community. I thought they really wanted decentralization, and Bitcoin (and other chains) had the tech to get there. It was revolutionary that there was value behind this network of people and it was amazing to see that the power was distributed out there among the masses. I spent so many hours explaining to people WHY it mattered that computing power is being used for this, why it mattered that there was a network that could be updated by satellites, why it mattered that no one controlled any of this. I feel like I owe everyone I pontificated to an apology.

Whatever the fuck is going on now is not what I saw as the future in when I got into this space. I saw autonomy over money, freedom from governments, deflationary assets that no one can control. Alas, the crypto community is just shitting in my mouth and telling me it's OK because its fartcoin.

They're centralizing the control of the economy to a blockchain that regularly goes down. They're giving tacit control of the ecosystem to a US president for some reason. They keep printing scam after scam and inflating the economy. I have no faith left in the people that are involved in any level of crypto.

I sat on stage moderating a panel in Bangkok in 2018 and called Sam Bankman Fried out (then had an adversarial interview with him afterwards and never once thought he represented anything good in our community). I helped expose some scams coffeezilla style. I've spent countless hours educating people on what Bitcoin and blockchain actually ARE. None of it matters, anymore. The crypto community is becoming exactly what every boomer was trying to say it was. There's nothing rational left here.

I have no idea what the right move is, I'll probably be wrong and all we do is moon from here, but I'm reducing my exposure to next to nothing and I'm going to stop wearing my cool ass Satoshi shirt that looks like a Nirvana shirt that I bought because someone I actually respect wore it to the Super Bowl.

You guys deal with the hog.