Helping people with CC

In my opinion helping people with CC isn't really worth it in most cases. First Some months ago i helped one guy(stranger). It gave me a lot of hassle. First he wanted me to pay upfront from his account and then he will pay me. Like bro why will i take that risk? What if you don't pay me? I don't even have option to cancel order in that case. Anyways i succeed in convincing him to pay me. He paid me using UPI and then i ordered. Then there was problem with order delivery. E commerce company didn't deliver order. So they refunded the amount. I had to sent him that money back. What a waste of time for me!. Even in case of relatives, they don't pay instantly and you have to pester them thousand times. Now in this sale in Amazon i see people asking for SBI CC in this forum. I want to help. But those past experiences hinder me. No need of such useless tension in life. I wish best wishes to everyone sharing their CC and everyone using CC. Stay Vigilant and don't get scammed. Thanks For reading. Have a great day.