Finally A Place To Rally!

If you're like me, you've also been searching high and low for a place for us all to rally and organize. We finally have a place! Woot!

With that being said, I've also had a few people suggest making an or signal. As much as I'd love to learn how to make one, 'm in the middle of packing for a big move, and am unable to. If someone knows how to make one and is willing, please let us know!

So happy that you're all here and let's make this page grow! Our voices need to be heard!

If you're like me, you've also been searching high and low for a place for us all to rally and organize. We finally have a place! Woot!

With that being said, I've also had a few people suggest making an or signal. As much as I'd love to learn how to make one, 'm in the middle of packing for a big move, and am unable to. If someone knows how to make one and is willing, please let us know!

So happy that you're all here and let's make this page grow! Our voices need to be heard!