I could use some good vibes with no judgment

I've been on opiate pain meds for years. About 6 months ago I got a new job, which came with new benefits. I had to switch all of my doctors, including pain management. My new primary doctor gave me a script to hold me over until I can see a new pain management doctor. But it's only half the dose I usually get. I'm not complaining though, it's better than just having nothing.

I saw the new pain management doctor and he was pretty awful to me. He called me an addict, told me I need Suboxone, said he never prescribes opiates, they don't work, etc etc etc.

And the things is, I never once brought up the pain meds or discussed anything with him at this point, I only shared with the medical assistant what medications I'm taking. He made all of these assumptions about me before even walking through the door.

He complained about my doctor sending me to him, and said he was going to write him a "strongly worded letter about the compromising position he put him in".

He ended the visit by saying that "as a courtesy only" he is sending 1 rx for me to the pharmacy, and that there was better options to manage pain and ended the appointment.

As I followed him out of the room I asked what my other options are, and he said if I was actually interested he would do injections and order physical therapy. I've done the injection and physical therapy route before, for years and years. They didn't work. I didn't have a chance to tell him that, though he probably would have seen that as drug seeking behavior. He said to call the office if I want to go that route and he walked away.

I walked out of the appointment in tears, feeling very judged and not good about myself. He made me feel like it's a terrible moral failing to take opiates for pain.

I am going to make an appointment with my PCP to talk to him about this. I hope he refers me to a different pain management who will talk to me a little before making judgments, and hopefully be a little kinder.

Or should I just stop taking the pain meds? Am I really in the wrong here? I take my meds as prescribed, I never run out early. My drug tests are always clear. I don't drink or use mj. Not that there's anything wrong with drinking or mj, I'm just following my pain contract. The worst thing I ever did was take an extra couple pills when I had kidney stones.

I just need some words of wisdom, maybe a little compassion. I'm open to constructive criticism, maybe I need it. Thanks for hearing me out either way.