Tired of diagnoses

Does anyone else get exhausted by the never ending stream of new issues. I’m 22 and I’ve been diagnosed with asthma, depression/anxiety, eczema, hyperhydrosis, adhd, and the big one POTS. Plus I had a herniated disc 6 months ago with severe sciatica and I still get residual leg cramps. There’s never been a period in my life where I haven’t been taking a daily medication. I’m dealing with more issues now and I’m starting to reach the point of not even wanting to go to the doctor because I’m so tired of finding something else that doesn’t work right for me. I’ve had migraines for months and haven’t even gone to the doctor about it yet. I’m going on Friday because I’ve been dealing with a lot of other issues lately too but I’m just so tired of it. It also just feels embarassing and like I’m a hypochondriac because I never feel 100%. It also feels like I’m on way too many medications that may even be exacerbating the symptoms of others but at the same time they all have made a neccesary difference. I’m also going into a field where I have to be very active and I’m scared I won’t be able to keep up and do all I really want to do. I’m only 22 I feel like I shouldn’t be having all these issues. I’m trying hard not to let this stuff stop me but it’s so hard.