Dramatic increase in cheaters ?

When I started the game, many of my deaths were relatively inexplicable, I simply told myself that there were display bugs, server bugs or that my brain was playing tricks on me.

But today that I am starting to accumulate a lot of hours of play and that I know the rhythm of all the weapons well, I notice that there are a lot of players who cheat. I am talking here about people who seem to have infinite stamina or who do not have a turning cap or who can block with their back or who hit/recover slightly faster than normal. It is done in a very subtle way but it makes a big difference.

Know that in popular FPS, it is common knowledge that about 30% of players use or have used cheats. And I wonder if this population didn't arrive on Chivalry, bringing with it their bad behaviors. I do my best to try to ignore this fact and have fun anyway. But honestly it's hard to continue to enjoy playing knowing that at any moment, a boosted player will fall on me...

Question: Have you noticed an increase in cheaters lately or is it just me who can detect them more easily now that I have experience?

Discussion: Are online games destined to be constantly invaded by cheaters? Especially when we see that AI allows them to develop new and more elaborate ways of cheating.

PS : I can already anticipate people who will tell me: "I have X hours of play and I have only seen 1 cheater". In truth, you do not see them all! It takes a lot of knowledge of the game to detect a weapon 25% faster than normal, for example. It is very difficult to see the cheaters and there are many more of them than you might imagine...