Mod Note re: Locked / Removed Threads 1/25
Local Business Q - This thread was locked because essentially every comment reply was people attacking with each other over the idea. Most comments were also being mass reported. Few, if any comments actually on topic. Its locked for the moment while I clean it up. edit: it is now reopened
Can we not lock threads trying to identify Facist businesses operating here in Charleston? - There were a few on topic replies, but the rule breaking content (on both sides) still outweighed the value of preserving the thread. In any case - lets not reopen a locked thread, it was locked for a reason. If you want to discuss that decision, mod mail is the correct venue.
Y'all Thought Reddit was Left Wing, even in Charleston SC - Removed for trolling.
Its fine to have an opinion. Its fine to talk politics - when its local. Its fine to organize and coordinate local political action. If your threads or comments come off as looking for a fight - they're going to get locked or removed.
Its fine to disagree and engage with folks you don't agree with - with a basic level of courtesy. If the topic isn't relevant to "your team" you don't need to spend your time shitting it up or trying to bait everyone else.
We have pretty easy access to stats about how often you participate in r/charleston that regular users don't see. Accounts without regular quality contributions will be viewed with more suspicion when evaluating earnest participation vs. outside interference.