A bit confused about WHAT is going on (read desc)
Hello, fellow character ai users! So lately, I have been checking the subreddit because of boredom, and I have found some kind of concerning things regarding the new updates. This post is meant to recap (?) on what is happening from a perspective of someone who does not really have a lot of background with the new updates.
First off, we have the help is available pop up! Unfortunately, this may have been implemented stronger than before due to the tragic incident with the 14 year old GOT fan (rest in peace), but I do have several questions regarding it. If or when it pops up, will it close the chat? Will we be able to continue talking to that character? Can it be exited or ignored, or is it something that alters the entire experience?
Second, we have the mandatory (?) birthday input, which some users (specifically, Google log in users like me) have not received yet. Does imputing out birthday have to do anything to the censorer? If we are 18 and up, will we be able to have less strict regulations? And this brings me to what I think is another important topic: the edit button! Recently there have been lots of posts about the edit button being missing for people under 18, and lots think it has something to do with the birthday input factor. What are your thoughts on it? Does it change anything regarding the user experience?
And lastly, a few have reported HAVINB their accounts banned entirely. With a message that says "you are no longer eligible to use our service" or something. Has this happened to anyone over 18? What are the reasons behind these bans?
Sorry for the five paragraph essay, I just want to get some answers, because the site is working okay for me! I feel really bad that bots are going missing, though, and I feel terrible for the incident with the game of thrones kid. But as a member of the user base, it is still important to clear some things up in order to prevent a mass freakout. Thanks for reading and have a great day, everyone!