Happy 1 Million Members on r/CharacterAI!
On August, 26, 2022, r/CharacterAI was born.
18 months later…
We are thrilled to announce that r/CharacterAI has reached a momentous milestone: over 1 million subreddit members! We want to take this opportunity to say thank you to each and every one of you for your contributions and for making this community such a vibrant and inclusive space. From blue guy, campfires, pictures of cats, and SO many potato memes… thank you for sharing your love of Characters and for bringing joy and laughter to people all over the world. Your feedback and suggestions continue to be catalysts for features we’re developing and we are grateful for all your support. We look forward to growing and building together with you in the years to come!
In honor of reaching 1,000,000+ members we have a few special events happening this month!
- Time Capsule Write down your hopes and dreams for Character.AI and we'll open them a year from now! Share your thoughts here: https://forms.gle/pdi5U1YxpJxgnYSS6
- Discord Emoji Contest Submit your custom Character.AI emoji designs, and we’ll select 10 new emojis to add to the server! Winners will also receive a free one month c.ai+ subscription. Join the Contest here: https://discord.gg/characterai?event=1207115664993820792
- 1M Banner - Everyone who comments on this thread will have their Reddit username added to our 1MM Reddit Banner. (Please comment by Feb 29)
- User Flairs What new Reddit Flairs do you want to see in r/CharacterAI? Comment below.
- 1MM Member Giveaway 10 lucky redditors who comment on this post will be randomly selected to receive a one month c.ai+ subscription
Happy 1 Million!!! <3