It's completely valid to criticize how Fujimoto ends arcs in Part 2.

Whether you like or dislike Part 2 really depends on how you feel about Fujimoto's approach to ending arcs since the Falling Devil arc. It’s become a bit of a pattern where each arc ends with a sudden time jump and some random, out-of-place joke—like Nayuta suddenly going to kindergarten or a casual café scene where the characters don’t even acknowledge the chaos that just happened. This kind of ending is repeated in the Falling, Church, and Aging arcs, and while some people are okay with it, I totally get why others find it jarring.

Personally, I think it’s completely valid to have a problem with how things are resolved. Comedy is subjective, but when people argue that everything will get wrapped up, it’s frustrating because so much is either left unresolved or addressed in ways that feel rushed and unsatisfying. Take the Falling and Aging Devil fights, for example. The idea of Nayuta tricking the Falling Devil or the Aging Devil being trapped are interesting concepts, but they didn’t feel earned. The whole situation with Nayuta standing just a few meters away from the Falling Devil felt like a huge oversight, and the Aging Devil’s defeat, relying so heavily on Yoshida, just didn’t feel challenging enough. Chapters 131 and 189 didn’t give any real indication that the fights were going to wrap up so abruptly in the next chapter.

When battles are skipped over and we’re suddenly thrust into time jumps, it’s no wonder people feel like things were either rushed or left unresolved. And with the focus shifting to Asa and Denji, who seem to care about nothing around them, it’s hard to believe we’ll ever get the answers to lingering questions. For instance, neither Asa nor Yoru has questioned the Fake Chainsaw Man’s existence since the Academy Saga, and Denji hasn’t even mentioned the creepy buff guy who threatened Nayuta. This is such a contrast to Part 1, where characters like Aki and Angel were actively discussing and analyzing events as they unfolded.

I want to be proven wrong and see things tie together in a satisfying way, but after the Falling Devil arc, the pacing has felt all over the place—like a squirrel on caffeine, constantly jumping from one thing to another without giving us time to breathe.