Are Celiac specialists a thing?
Endoscopy was done in Jan to see if I had celiac disease because my blood work and symptoms suggested so (I have since stopped seeing this Dr due to a lot of reasons and am seeing a different GI Dr now). Long story short I still never received my biopsy results and my new GI doctor is speculating that something happened with the sample since my other 4 biopsy results came back (just wanna note the "results" were Gi hemorrhage of unknown origin, gastritis, another GI hemorrhage, and negative H pylori). This GI doctor said that I most likely have celiac disease based on my labs and improvement of symptoms since following a strict GF diet.
However I am just curious, should I be seeing a Celiac specialist or something? I'm only concerned because this Gi drs thought process seemed to be "it doesn't matter if it's celiac disease or just an intolerance , if you feel better not eating gluten don't eat gluten".
I completely agree and get that point but I just want to make sure that's fine because everything I've learned from celiac disease has been through google. All the two Gi drs told me was to follow a GF diet. No one offered a nutritionist or anything.
Im just curious if this is everyone else's experience and if you really do just need to self educate (which im fine with doing), I just don't want to realize 5 years down the line that I should've advocated for myself and seeked out more treatments if these doctors are just not fully up to date on celiac disease and research.
**yes I know I could just ask my dr but I really don't want to seem like I'm complaining especially since I just switched Gi doctors and that this may just be how celiac is handled.