What are some good English Lenten songs to play in Mass?
Lenten season starts early this year and I have no idea what to play in our English Mass, so I'm thinking about what hymns to use in English for Lenten season because the truth is, I am not that familiar with many that many English settings so it's better to practice before the season starts
I already know how to play a few English hymns but most of those songs are for ordinary time (a few Advent and Christmas songs too) so I'm thinking of what I'm gonna use for Lent
Disclaimer, now I know some will suggest something like chants or plain songs and I know their beautiful but the point is, I'm playing at a Novus Ordo Mass, a Mass where the lay faithful can participate by singing the hymns, and that is what I'm looking for, participation when it comes to the hymns, so I want simple songs that an average lay faithful (Specifically Filipinos because this is a Filipino Parish) can sing
All of the Lenten songs I know are in Tagalog, I have no clue which English hymns to play for this season
Here is the lineup of the hymns I play for English Mass for ordinary time and which ones I need to replace and please do add some suggestions
Entrance: Great is our God (Bukas Palad) or Sing a New Song (Dan Schutte) but I do need to replace this one since I don't think it would be appropriate for Lent
Kyrie: Kyrie Eleison (Mass of Mercy and Compassion) this one definitely sounds appropriate for Lent but I also wanna replace it, the only Kyrie setting I know which is perfect for Lent is in Tagalog
Gloria: Glory to God (Light from Light Bukas Palad) will be omitted in Lent unless it is a solemnity feast
Gospel: Alelluia (Seek Ye First) will be omitted and replaced with a verse or a song that clearly praises Jesus Christ, I'm thinking of replacing the "Alleluia" in this song with "Amen" instead but If you have any other suggestions then go ahead
Offertory: Take and Receive (Bukas Palad) I'm still thinking of whether I would replace this hymn or not
Sanctus/Mysterium Fidei: Holy and When We Eat This Bread (Light from Light Bukas Palad) definitely needs to be replaced for Lenten season
Pater Noster: I did use Our Father by Bukas Palad for while but the choir and lay faithful have trouble singing it sometimes so I always play Tagalog for this one these days, I'm still trying to find a really good Our Father that most Filipino lay faithful can sing so for Lent, I might plan on playing an English version this time,
Agnes Dei: Lamb of God (Light from Light Bukas Palad) still haven't decided on whether to replace this yet
Communion: Anima Christi (Bukas Palad) this one is very famous among Filipinos but I wanna replace it for Lent because I want something more appropriate for that season
Recessional: once again, I only know a Tagalog hymn for this one but I am thinking of a good one for Lent
Please do suggest some songs in English, songs that not only the choir but the lay faithful could sing (or be able to adjust quickly)
And yes, I am aware music is not necessary for a Mass to go on but I just want to improve the experience by letting the lay faithful be able to participate (not in liturgically abusing way but a way that can let the lay people participate in a respective manner and reverent)
And yes, I will definitely ask our priest and choir master first if these suggestions are good, I did ask our choir master and he said he has no idea what to play during Lenten season for English Masses, he only knows Tagalog ones