An upcoming event that I have..
I have a track and field meet this afternoon. I'm pretty excited, but I want to try to beat my record for the 400m dash which is the only event that I'll be running today. My record which I got from last year was 57 seconds. Running the 400 feels extreme and i do have some concerns. One of them is that I happen to slow down a little when I get past the second curve and that kinda messes things up for me. I get frustrated just thinking about it sometimes because you're supposed to keep up your speed, even if your body is hurting from running fast. I don't know why, but I also feel some peer pressure from my teammates. I've been staying motivated to do well, especially with my parents and older brother coming to watch and I want to perform to the very best of my ability. I think I've been overthinking my coaches expectations because he wants me to perform very well and given the circumstances of the 400, I worry if I'll be able to satisfy him.