CTA: Forest Lawn Mortuary Still Trying to Kill Forest Lawn Dr Bike Lanes
I think it's ironic how much work Forest Lawn Mortuary is putting into keeping Forest Lawn Drive as a dangerously high-speed road. And...they are at it again, but this time using the historically anti-bicycle Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council (HHWNC) as their mouthpiece.
HHWNC will be holding a special virtual session about the Forest Lawn Dr Safety and Mobility Project on Tuesday, December 17, at 6 p.m. over Zoom. We know that this will be an attempt to show how many people are enraged about this new safety project. I say we pack the (virtual) house with tons of people saying how much they appreciate and want this project.
It's a virtual event, so ANYONE CAN JOIN! Yes, that means you, Joe, who is reading this from Wisconsin and wants to mess with "Big Cemetary," who's more interested in their bottom line than the safety of those using the roads in front of their massive parcel of land.
This is the agenda and directions on how to join. https://www.hhwnc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/HHWNC-Special-Board-Meeting-Agenda-12-17-24-FINAL.pdf
Please spread the word!!