We have to address this….are things better now? Better than ever before? Are we peaking?

So much talk in here is hypothetical, theoretical, and abstract…which is great but we need to address this simple question: are things better right now than they have ever been? If so, doesn’t “capitalism” or whatever form of it we are currently practicing deserve that credit and recognition?

Is this the best it’s ever been? If no, when have things been better? There’s never been less poverty. Poor people in America are fat, not skinny and starving. Healthcare isn’t perfect, but is it not better than any time in history?

I’m not saying things couldn’t be better, that we shouldn’t aim to improve and perfect, but we should at least recognize and give credit where it’s due, no? Even if you say there’s more wealth inequality, still on average life is better for everyone than ever? I don’t think it’s a given that things will naturally always get better either.

A lot of socialists or leftists will say all the examples of those famous examples (Russia, China) failing or resulting in mass death is they didn’t truly practice it right, or they’ll point to some tiny Nordic country that’s 100% white homogenous aryan (hitlers dream) with zero immigration and doesn’t pay for military bc they’re protected by the USA.

Too wordy but in summary I feel socialists are so caught up in some negativity around hating this modern world and how things could/should be totally radically different that there’s not enough recognition of how far we’ve gotten.

FTR I’m American and naturally view everything through the American lens.