Do you have to pay back pension deficiencies after mat/parental leave?

I started in the public service after 2013, at the age of 24. This means I’ll have done 30 years of service at 54, but if I understand correctly, I can’t retire with my full pension at 54—I’d either need to wait until I’m 60, take a big cut, or support myself for 11 years until I reach the age of 65.

I’m about to go on maternity/parental leave for 12 months, and given the above, wondering if there’s any point in claiming my leave as pensionable time if I’m most likely just going to get stuck working until I’m 60 anyway.

Is this a possibility? Is there anything I’m not considering here? I guess it would increase the value of my pension, but with a baby on the way and looming economic uncertainty, I’m thinking the money might be more useful to me right now.