Tips on How to Beat Draven With Engage?
I usually don’t have to much trouble against Draven, but Draven with engage support is scary. I lost lane twice to Draven in a row, but my team carried me in the second game. First game I had a heimerdinger support, and draven had Pyke, I was hiding behind heimerdingers turrets but Draven just flash w auto auto etc, Ggs lane lost game lost. Second game I had a Soraka ‘support’ (lvl 30, I don’t really blame her), I managed to 2v1 and get a double but once his Nami hit 6, it was over, lane lost, game won. I try my best to poke him out of lane, but the threat of hook from the bush is strong. Both games I had like 5.5 cs when I usually average 8. Any tips on how to beat Draven and stop him from snowballing the game? Thanks!