Take Action: Let the CBC Know About Us!

UPDATE: A reporter from the CBC contacted me about whether someone from TO on this subreddit would be willing to comment on the tariffs if they land. Let me know if interested!

We need to amplify our reach. We’re 100K+ now, but what if we could reach 300K, 500K, or even 1M+ over the coming months?

I just emailed torontotips@cbc.ca letting them know about us. Here’s an example template:

——— Hi,

Would you consider covering the 106K+ member strong Buy Canadian movement on Reddit?


There’s so many insightful angles on this, from people showing off great Canadian brands, to stories about businesses who have made the transition to a fully Canadian supply chain, to community members calling on Canadian businesses to make it easy to identify Canadian-made products and more.

It’d be great to make Canadians aware of these vibrant online communities banding together and taking action. Please help bring attention to our cause! ———

Using the next 30 seconds of your life to send an email (using the template above as a starting point if you’d like), could help dramatically expand our reach.

Let’s do this! 🇨🇦