Anyone have any experience doing BM sober? Husband and I are in recovery and worried we won’t be able to have a good time — or even be welcome.
Hey kind internet people 👋 My husband and I have been kicking around the idea of experiencing Burning Man at least once before we kick the bucket. Only hitch is that he and I are both in recovery from severe drug and alcohol addiction.
We are completely sober from all psychoactive substances. (And no, we cannot just “bend the rules” for special occasions.) We’re the type of people whose addictions damn near killed both of us, multiple times over. No drugs/no alcohol is non-negotiable. If you want to partake around us? GO FOR IT!! We just can’t.
This has started me thinking — so much of what I’ve read or watched about BM has included drugs and/or alcohol. Part of me is like, It’s a city. There HAVE to be sober people there. But my insecurities are saying, Nah there’s not gonna be anything for you, nobody will want a couple buzz kills around.
Hoping you lovely folks can give us some insight here 🙏