Digital Rush vs In Person

Hi! I’m planning my next NYC trip, and while there’s some shows I am buying in advanced. There’s a few that I want to see if I can swing a rush ticket.

I’ve never rushed a broadway show, for this trip specifically (in December) I’m considering it for Maybe Happy Ending, The Roommate, and Death Becomes Her. MHE and Roommate both offer digital rush on Telecharge. Is this harder to secure tickets than in-person?

Most of our “open” slots fall on matinees, do you think it’d be wiser to digital rush on my phone, or hop in the actual line? Is it smarter to rush vs lottery or does it really all depend?

Sorry if my questions are super novice haha, I usually will get too anxious and just buy in advanced, but I am really trying to budget where I can on this trip considering I’ll be buying Gypsy and Sunset in advanced and my wallet will already be taking a beating. 😂