Is It Ok To Ignore Her Messages?
She ended it by text.
I agreed with the break up, as I didn't like the way I was being treated.
I went no contact, however she kept texting me, with blame shifting and gaslighting messages.
It's like she was trying to lure me into a back and forth argument with her.
I simply didn't respond back.
The last text message she sent me, i didn't even read it. I deleted it straight away without reading.
Now it's playing my mind about what she might have said? It looked like quite a long message.
More likely it was more blame shifting.
Was it ok to delete and ignore her message?
She ended it, and I wanted to protect my mental health & she went straight back on to the dating apps
EDIT: Reasons why things ended with her.
She is a single mother of two young children.. The biological father is very much in the picture.
I am a childless man with a good job, and in good shape.
01.I was bending over backwards accomodating her work and parenting schedule.
She could only see me once a week and often once every fortnight (very little bonding)
She does not want anymore children, meaning I would have to end my bloodline with her.
She doesn't want to move in together, till her children are grown. This means another 5-7 years of only seeing her once a week.
Whenever we had a scheduling clash, She would firmly remind me at every opportunity that her children always come before me me.
This is absolutely right.. they should come before me.. but I don't need to be reminded that I am low priority (behind her, her kids, the biological father, her job, her cat and dog)
I am bending over backwards to accommodate her life, while she reminds me that I am low priority..
When I got upset with her, for saying these things.. She stopped making any effort to text me.. and began distancing herself from me..
So I quietly walked away, when I realised she barely wants to communicate with me.. after 5 days of radio silence, she dumped me by text message.
After dumping me, she began blaming everything on me!!